发布日期:2024-09-05 18:09 点击次数:177
Black dog syndrome refers to the tendency for black- or dark-coated dogs to be passed over for adoption in favor of lighter colored dogs in an animal shelter.“黑狗轮廓症”指东说念主们在动物收留所里领养狗狗时,同样倾向忽略那些领有玄色或深色外相的狗儿,而遴荐毛色较浅的汪星东说念主。
Black dogs are often treated differently than other dogs -- and are often overlooked by people who come to shelters with the intention to adopt.东说念主们对待黑狗和其他的狗儿十足不同,黑狗常常遭到来收留所领养狗狗东说念主们的漠视。
The phenomenon is commonly referred to as "Black Dog Syndrome" or "Black Dog Bias," a stereotype against dark-colored animals possibly ingrained in people through depictions in movies and books, according to experts.学者示意,这种欣然凡俗被称为“黑狗轮廓症”或“黑狗偏见”。电影和书本关于深色外相动物的神气根植于东说念主们的心中,行程了他们对这些动物的刻板印象。
av网"Sometimes black dogs are seen as scarier by people," said an expert. "It's very, very unfair -- you can get a bite from a little yellow Chihuahua faster than one of the bigger black dogs."一位民众示意,未必辰东说念主们会以为黑狗愈加可怕。这竟然好坏常、相当不自制,体型娇小的黄色吉娃娃会比身形较大的黑狗更快咬到你。
Still, there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence from shelter workers that black dogs are routinely ignored, and, as a result, more of them are euthanized due to a shortage of space at shelters.就算如斯,收留所责任主说念主员提供的大量把柄标明,黑狗老是受到漠视,由于收留所空间有限,更多黑狗也因此被推论安乐死。
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